Join Glasgow’s retrofit co-operative for information stalls, community networking and Loco Home’s Annual General Meeting.

Date and time
Sat, 8 October 2022, 10:00 – 13:00 BST
The Point 180 Queen’s Drive Glasgow G42 8QD
About this event
Members and non-members alike are invited to attend Loco Home’s community event and AGM.
Loco Home Retrofit is Glasgow’s non-profit co-operative of households and construction professionals working together for energy efficiency and zero emissions heating in our homes.
This interactive event will include:
- Discussion around community responses to the cost of living crisis
- Information stalls
- Insulation swap shop
- Retrofit skills and DIY resources
- Home Energy Scotland and government support.
- Presentation: what does it mean to be a Co-operator?
- Update: Loco Home’s development over its first year and plans for the year ahead
- Plenty of cake!
Plus 30 minutes for the formal Annual General Meeting – a chance for members to influence the direction of the organisation.
Join Loco Home for £10 here: